0116 4030102

Service You Can Trust
Most common disease in the UK. It causes the individual to lose their mental wellbeing making it distressing for them self’s and their family. However there are many forms of supports available to you. We offer support and services for people with dementia which are designed to be adapted to you and your family’s needs. We offer hourly services which can be provided throughout the day as well as live in care. Our staff our trained to meet the guidelines of the dementia and Alzheimer’s society. We provide peace of mind to you to ensure we provide the right care to you to enjoy a good quality of life. You can be confident that we provide you with the best possible service by our dedicated staff.
Mental Health
We offer support and services for people with mental health problems which are designed to be adapted to you and your family’s needs. We offer hourly services which can be provided throughout the day as well as live in care. Our care professionals are able to provide sensitive support, such as helping a personal manage their daily routine or helping them to adapt to new changes as well as helping with tasks such as personal care, domestic care. We provide peace of mind to you to ensure we provide the right care to you to enjoy a good quality of life. You can be confident that we provide you with the best possible service by our dedicated staff.
Acquired Brain Injury
We offer specialist support for people living with the effects of brain injury. Before we commence with any course of care we will ask to meet with you, and, if appropriate, members of your family, to establish the background of your injury and medical condition. This enables us to assign the right care professional for your specific needs. Our staff are fully trained, so you can be confident that the care professional who is caring for you or your loved one has the appropriate experience.